
Thursday, 21 November 2019

Heybrook HB3 Mk1 Exakt Filters

SpeakerFilters are pleased to announce a new addition to the range of available filters.

The Heybrook HB3 Mk 1 is a bonafide classic speaker.  Often heard in the 1980s with a Linn LP12 and Nytech or Naim amplification - it set the standard for high end dynamic speakers back then.  Now you can bring them right up to date on the end of a Linn Exakt system.

So we're very pleased to add this classic British speaker to the SpeakerFilters portfolio.

For those of you without Exakt, but with a Linn DS or DSM streamer, the work completed by SpeakerFilters allows you to enjoy the benefits of SPACE Optimisation with the Heybrook HB3 Mk1.

Get in touch!

Every SpeakerFilters set of filters comes with a no cost 2 week trial period.  

We also offer physical conversion of your speakers.