
Thursday, 11 April 2019

Great Reception for SpeakerFilters at HifiWigwam Show, March 2019

SpeakerFilters custom Exakt filters were featured in Wam forum member Sunbeamgls' room at the show.  Featuring a Linn Akurate Exakt source through Lejonklou power amplification, the following independent comments were posted on various forums about the system that included our Exakt filters for the Gauder Akustik Isophon Corvara loudspeakers:

Jarvis: "my most memorable rooms were Steve57, Coogie, Ian917, SunbeamGLS, MaxTheSonyGuy and Spider"

The Flash: "sounding nicely balanced in that system."

Nopiano: "I agree with all the praise. They were evidently extremely well set up, and the system had a coherence and balance that was way beyond what I’d expected. Easy to enjoy!"

Richard A: "I’d like to add my plus one to those comments and this was my first chance to listen to Gauder. I loved the sound in your room, possibly the most natural/unforced of them all."

Lejonklou forum member u252az: "Sunbeams system was the first Exakt system I have enjoyed - worth going just for that"

CyrusUnofficial forum member hifinutt: "Gauder sounded superb . Very natural" and on the AOS forum "my favourite was the gauder akustik"

CyrusUnofficial forum member Czechchris: "I too liked the speakers you had playing"

Contact us to find out more about SPACE and Exakt for your speakers: