
Thursday, 6 December 2018

Endorsement from brianandtrevors - specialist hifi retailer in Manchester

"Impressive results with the new Linn SPACE Optimisation and Graham Audio BBC monitor loudspeakers" say highly respected Manchester hifi dealer brianandtrevors.

We've been priviledged to work with specialist hifi retailer brianandtrevors / House of Linn in Manchester recently.  SpeakerFilters took SPACE optimisation measurements for Graham Audio LS5/8, LS5/9 and ATC SCM50SL speakers at brianandtrevors.  We then collaborated with Linn to have these models added to the list of available speaker models within Linn's DS and DSM product range.

Its great to hear back from brianandtrevors / House of Linn on how this has allowed them to further enjoy these speakers in a Linn system, reducing the effects of the room on the music.

We can provide this service for your speakers too.

Please get in touch: